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How Chiropractic Care became part of our Health Care for our dogs

BauHound Haus is happy to connect you with Dr Gloria Bracchetti DC.

Why we believe in Chiropractic Services for Dogs:

Years ago, we had an Aussie named Dizzy who injured herself and tore her caudal ligament. We sought out the best surgeons and physiotherapists. Living in London at the time, we drove to Essex Animal Hospital for underwater treadmill, acupuncture and chiropractic. (more…)

Grain-Free Birthday Cake for Dogs

In celebration of Kiah and Hustle’s birthdays, here is a simple, grain free birthday cake recipe for dogs!
Cake Ingredients:
2 Free range, grass-fed Eggs
2 tablespoons of whole Coconut Milk
1 tablespoon Peanut Butter
¼ cup of Coconut Flour
1 teaspoon of Baking Soda

Icing ingredients:
2 tablespoons of whole Coconut Milk
2 tablespoons of Peanut Butter
1 tablespoon of Shredded Coconut (more…)

Debunking Clicker Myths: Again

Maybe other trainers have said this before, but it can be said again. Yesterday at the store, we had a customer who was asking about training, but when she saw it was clicker training gave me a look and said “Oh, no, I don’t want that.” Just from the look on her face, I felt sort of like I was trying to sell her snake skin ointment – some hocus pocus, voodoo magic in a box that was going to hypnotize her puppy. She left before I could ask her to explain her dislike for that particular method when it was doubtful that she’d ever tried it. This blog is my attempt at convincing her without even knowing why she reacted so negatively.


Dog People Know

You are driving home from a busy weekend at a trial with your dogs. It is late, but if you get home tonight, you can avoid getting a hotel. You are playing over in your mind that judge’s comments, how your cue to your dog was not clear and how you would play it differently next time. Your head is ringing, you have a searing pain in your leg and you realize you are upside down and pinned in your car. Your car! Your dogs! Where are the dogs? You try to turn around and the first thing you see is the passenger-side front door crumpled into the car. What happened? The dogs. You keep trying to turn and now you are screaming their names and partially screaming in terror. You realize the whole side of the car is peeled back like a sardine can. A crate. No – that’s half a crate. Where are the dogs? You hear sirens. Good. Help to find the dogs. You scream louder. Faintly you hear something and stop. It’s coming from in the car with you. Behind some gear and in the back corner behind you, you can hear one of your dogs. Faint whimpers. Someone is at your window and you are reminded that you are upside down by the bizarre face that startles you, then yells “We’re going to get you out of here!”
“My dogs! Please save my dogs!”

Dog lovers and their dogs

When you love your dog like family.
