Getting the Most out of a Toppl or Kong
When people ask me what the essential toy is for any puppy, I have to agree with most trainers and say a Toppl or Kong. We use them to help crate train our puppies and when they are older to keep them occupied while we are out. Unfortunately, I have heard so many people say that their dog shows no interest in one or they empty them too quickly. Using the technique in this video, makes it more challenging and therefore keeps your dog occupied for longer.
This is the perfect trick for making it through a zoom call or helping the kids with online learning.
When you have a young puppy in the house that you are leaving on a daily basis, stuffing toys should become part of the routine. When we are crate training a young dog, a Toppl or Kong is stuffed on a nightly basis, put in the freezer and pulled out the next day. We vary our recipes to keep our puppy interested and occupied. Soon enough we have a puppy who runs to his crate. This is why so many trainers recommend these toys and now you have the recipe to turn your Toppl or Kong into a crate and house training secret weapon.