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Probiotics from Sprouted Seeds

Sprouted Seeds Are Good for Your Dog

You have probably heard about yogurt, keifer and fermented foods to provide healthy gut flora for your pet, but have you heard about sprouted seeds? Sprouted Seeds offer a great source of probiotics and enzymes naturally present when seeds germinate. These types of bacteria are the closest to what a dog would actually encounter in the wild. Digging in dirt and eating new growth grass would provide them with these healthy bacteria. However in our environment where everything is treated with chemicals those healthy bacteria are not as readily avaiable. That’s where Flora4’s Organic Sprouted Seeds are a great supplement for your dog.

Probiotics from Sprouted Seeds

Sprouted Seeds are Good for your Dog


How Chiropractic Care became part of our Health Care for our dogs

BauHound Haus is happy to connect you with Dr Gloria Bracchetti DC.

Why we believe in Chiropractic Services for Dogs:

Years ago, we had an Aussie named Dizzy who injured herself and tore her caudal ligament. We sought out the best surgeons and physiotherapists. Living in London at the time, we drove to Essex Animal Hospital for underwater treadmill, acupuncture and chiropractic. (more…)